Gavin Roach is a Melbourne based writer, performer, producer and director.
Gavin Roach has a Bachelor of Arts (Acting for the Screen and Stage), Bachelor of Arts (Acting for the Screen and Stage, Honours) CSU, Masters in Arts Management UTS & Masters in Writing for Performance VCA.
Gavin is the writer, performer & producer of Confessions of a Grindr Addict (Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Perth Adelaide, Launceston, Hobart & New Zealand), Any Womb Will Do (Sydney, Melbourne & New Zealand), I Can’t Say The F Word (Melbourne, Perth & New Zealand), The Measure of a Man (Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Hobart, Brisbane & Prague), All The Songs I Can’t Sing (Melbourne) & Your Silence Will Not Protect You (Melbourne)
Gavin adapted and produced Beyond Priscilla: The Play & was the co-devisor & co-creative developer of We Were There, showcasing the stories of women during the HIV/AIDS crisis in Australia.
Gavin's producing credits include Manwatching, All I See Is You, The Loneliness Project, Adam, The Campaign, Sink, Transgression, Meet Me at Dawn, Pops, If We Got Some More Cocaine I Could Show You How I Love You, CULT and A Southern Fairytale. Gavin has produced and directed Lake Disappointment, Awkward Conversations With Animals I've Fucked, The Shy Manifesto, Run, Bottom, A Hundred Words For Snow, Heather, Disco Pigs, Outlier and Peter Fechter: 59 Minutes.
Gavin continues to champion Australian creatives – both nationally and internationally.
““Theatre is a rebellion. Theatre is a call to arms. Theatre is an opportunity to continue to give voice to those unheard.””